Dock Management Plan (DMP) Drafts, Updates, Portals & FAQs
Draft Dock Management Plans:
- Draft 2023 DMP - Proposed Dock Management Plan Draft Amendments, 2023.
- Draft 2021 DMP - Pender Harbour Dock Management Plan, 2021 version.
- Draft 2018 DMP - Pender Harbour Dock Management Plan, 2018 version.
- Draft 2015 DMP - Pender Harbour Dock Management Plan, original 2015.
DMP Government Updates:
- Summary of updates - Summary of updates to shishalh Swiya DMP in response to feedback. (March 14, 2024)
- Joint statement - Government and shishalh swiya DMP updated following public engagement. (March 14, 2024)
- What We've Heard Report - Engagement on Proposed Amendments to the Dock Management Plan. (March 8, 2024)
- SCRD Nov. 30, 2023 Meeting - Sunshine Coast Regional District: Special Board Meeting DMP Presentation.
- RFP 168772 Red Zone Dock Removal - The Ministry of Forests, Compliance and Enforcement Branch sought proposals for the removal of up to 10 structures in Gunboat Bay, on the Sechelt Peninsula. (May 17, 2023)
DMP Government Portals:
- Government DMP Portal - Main portal and latest government news on the DMP.
- Feedback & Comment Portal - Comment Portal for the DMP, file #2412772, open between Nov. 23, 2023 to Feb. 16, 2024.
DMP Frequently Asked Questions:
- DMP 2023 Q&A - Proposed shishalh swiya Dock Management Plan Amendments.
- DMP 2015 Q&A - Draft Pender Harbour Dock Management Plan FAQ.
Government Agreements, Guidelines, Information & Reports
Government Agreements:
- shishalh 2024 Foundation Agreement - shishalh Nation and British Columbia Foundation Agreement renewal. (DMP Part 17 & Schedule G).
- shishalh 2018 Foundation Agreement - shishalh Nation and British Columbia Foundation Agreement.
- shishalh to Government 2016 Agreement - Signed BC Government to shishalh Nation agreement, dated April 1 2016.
- shishalh Decision-Making Policy (2013) - shishalh Nation Lands and Resources Decision-Making Policy.
Government Guidelines:
- Burrard Inlet Dock Guidelines (2020) - Recreational dock guidelines for Burrard Inlet, but with grandfathering provisions.
- False Creek Dock Accessibility (2012) - Guidelines for universal access to new public docks in False Creek.
- Washington Dock Guidelines (2017) - Similar clauses to those in the DMP, but with grandfathering provisions included.
Government Information:
- Shared Decision-Making (March 14, 2024) - shishalh and B.C. shared decision-making process, authorizations and application requirements.
- BC Land Act - The primary article of legislation used by the government to convey land to the public for community, industrial and business use. The Act allows the granting of land, and the issuance of Crown land tenure in the form of leases, licenses, permits and rights-of-way.
- Section 7 (2019) - Section 7 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, SBC.
- SCRD Bylaw 337 (2021) - SCRD Zoning Bylaw. Page 30, Section 515 - Authorization for boathouses and wharves.
- Marine Requirements Checklist - Private Moorage: Marine Requirements Checklist for Applications.
- Fresh Water Requirements Checklist - Private Moorage: Fresh Water Requirements Checklist for Applications.
- Private Moorage Glossary - Undated glossary of definitions regarding Private Moorage.
- Environmental Impact of Small Docks - This document was listed in a recent FOI with respect to DMP reference matetial. This document references Maryland Salt Marshes and the impacts of shading.
- Transport Canada: Docks and Boathouses (2009) - This pamphlet details Boathouses and Docks and how they relate to Minor work projects.
Government Policies:
- shishalh Heritage Policy & Application - If you are required to complete a PARF, this is the document you will need to submit to the shishalh Nation. (Application on Page 6)
- General Permission Private Moorage (2022) - General Permission for the use of crown land for private moorage.
- Land Use Operational Policy - Private Moorage (2019) - Section 5.1.2 references special permission. Appendix 3, requirements and best management practices.
- Land Use Operational Policy - Private Moorage (2011) - Section 9 references boathouses located over the foreshore.
Government Reports:
- Engineering Report (2023) - Government commissioned review of Dock Best Management Practices.
- Environmental Report (2018) - Government commissioned Assessment on the Impacts of Docks in Pender Harbour.
- Archaeological Summary - Pender Harbour Archaeological Survey Summary. Related Information Bulletin here.
- Penner Report Response (2016) - Ministry publication and response on the 2015 Penner Report.
- Penner Report (2015) - Former AG Barry Penner's Independent Review of the Pender Harbour Dock Management Plan.
PHARA Government Correspondence & Expert Reports
Government Correspondence:
- PHARA 22 Unanswered Questions - Letter sent to the government containing 22 questions regarding Section 7 negotiations.
News & Updates:
Scientific Reports:
- PHARA Environmental Review (2019) - Pender Harbour DMP Environmental Review. (Balanced Environmental)
- PHARA Alternative Strategies (2019) - Pender Harbour DMP Opportunities & Alternative Strategies. (Balanced Environmental)
- PHARA Engineering Report (2019) - Engineering review of the DMP guidelines and proposed recommendations. (CWA Engineers)
- PHARA Safety Report (2019) - Expert Report on Safety and Light Penetration Concerns with the Pender Harbour DMP.