For Immediate Release

The Waterfront Protection Coalition (WPC), a volunteer organization with thousands of members and supporters along the Coast and throughout the province, has completed discussions with the BC Government and shishálh Nation on key issues concerning grandfathering within the Dock Management Plan (DMP) on the Sunshine Coast.  

 The proposed DMP created deep concern for dock users due to regulatory and application uncertainty and dock moratoriums across the province.  The WPC was formed to represent concerned residents and constructively engage with the BC Government and the shishálh to resolve longstanding differences surrounding docks and boathouses. The WPC has worked hard over the past year to get to the table and communicate coalition members’ concerns regarding the Dock Management Plan.  

The WPC’s efforts as part of the Dock Management Plan Advisory Group have focused primarily on the commitments of the Premier and the Minister to provide ‘Grandfathering’ to all existing docks and boathouses, including marine and freshwater.

Key take-away points from the government’s proposal:

  • Secure Tenure - renewable 20-year tenures that provide long-term stability provided they are kept in safe condition.
  • Simplified Process - no environmental or archaeological studies will be required to secure the Grandfathered tenure.
  • Ability to repair docks - ongoing repairs and maintenance will be permitted and expected without needing permits.
  • Environmental improvements - within 10 years, all unencapsulated Styrofoam flotation must be replaced, and light penetration decking (or alternatives) must be installed. Existing creosote pilings can remain, but when pilings require replacement, creosote pilings cannot be used.
  • New docks and dock/boathouse replacement - will require compliance with the then existing DMP Best Management Practices, except docks and boathouses destroyed by weather events and fire, which can be replaced as designed/current footprint.

Our role in the DMPAG was limited to providing recommendations, and it was made clear from the outset that we could not expect consensus. Although not all WPC recommendations were adopted, we consider this to be a significant improvement over the previous DMP, and believe we have achieved a higher level of certainty for existing tenured and untenured dock and boathouse owners.

We want to thank the press for highlighting our concerns, and legislative members for their willingness to consider our perspectives and work with the WPC throughout this process.

Click here to view the details released by the Government.

More information is available on the Pender Harbour Project Page.

Click here to view the WPC's Full Recommendations to the DMPAG.

The WPC would also like to thank our coalition members and supportive organizations for your continued support and generous donations throughout this process.