Hello WPC Members on the Sunshine Coast

We are calling on everyone to email their concerns to the SCRD email before the Public Hearing next week on the Riparian and Shoreline Protection Bylaw (Amending Zoning Bylaw No. 722.9 and 337.123).

Action: Numbers matter! We urge you participate in person or virtually at the upcoming public hearing (July 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM) and email your comments to publichearings@scrd.ca before noon on July 16, 2024 to ensure your submission forms part of the Public Hearing record. You can also copy your message to the SCRD directors who will vote on this matter:

Keep it simple if you wish, and simply state that you are opposed to the amendments, as currently proposed.

Or you can write something a bit longer and include some of our members’ main issues:

  • Inadequate public notice or consultation,
  • Increase of waterfront setbacks and diminished land usage,
  • Preventing safe access to the waterfront,
  • Limiting the ability for docks and structures to be attached to land,
  • Creation of buffer zones prohibiting installation of gravel, pavers, patios, decks, structures etc. within up to 35 meters from the water,
  • Limiting the ability to alter or expand an existing structure, which would be made non-conforming, with the proposed changes
  • Impact on property values

We also have a template letter available to help.

Upcoming Public Hearing:

Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Members of the public can join
virtually / online (via Zoom) or in-person at the SCRD’s Main Administration
Building on Field Road in Sechelt.

Further information can be found at https://www.scrd.ca/public-hearings. You can also read a written statement at the Public Hearing to have it considered by the board.

WPC has submitted a letter on behalf of our members, which you can review here.

Thank you for your continued support!